UGC NET English Literature MCQs on New Criticism

Q. William Empson’s Seven Types of Ambiguity is
(A) A structuralist study of narrative
(B) A piece of psychoanalytic criticism
(C) A study of the media
(D) An analysis of poetic ambivalence

Q. Which of the following is not a critical study by William Empson ?
(1) Seven Types of Ambiguity
(2) The Dyer’s Hand
(3) Milton’s God
(4) Some Versions of the Pastoral

Q. The title, The New Criticism, published in 1941, was written by
(A) Cleanth Brooks
(B) John Crowe Ransom
(C) Robert Penn Warren
(D) Allan Tate

Q. The pre-eminent evaluative criterion of F.R. Leavis’s Great Tradition is
(1) moral purpose

(2) sublime subject matter
(3) reader-response
(4) truth to life

Q. F. R. Leavis and Q. D. Leavis launched a critical journal devoted to the moral centrality of English Studies. Name the Journal.
(1) The English Historical Review
(2) The Criterion
(3) Scrutiny
(4) The Edinburgh Review

Q. Who, amongst the following, does not belong to the ‘Great Tradition’, enunciated by F. R. Leavis ?
 (A) Joseph Conrad
(B) James Joyce
(C) Jane Austen
(D) George Eliot

Q. The great English novelists are Jane Austen, George Eliot, Henry James and Joseph Conrad.” Which one of the following critical texts begins with the above assertion?
(1. Walter Allen, The English Novel 
2. Terry Eagleton, The English Novel 
3. F. R. Leavis, The Great Tradition  
4. Ian Watt, Rise of the Novel

Q. The term ‘Intentional Fallacy’ is first used by

(A) William Empson
(B) Northrop Frye
(C) Wellek and Warren
(D) Wimsatt and Beardsley

Q. The error of interpreting a literary work by referring to evidence outside of itself, such as the design and purpose of the author is called
1. Affective fallacy 
2. Intentional fallacy 
3. Authorial fallacy
4. Synecdochic fallacy

Q. In the 1940’s, a critic and a philosopher produced two influential and controversial papers called “The Intentional Fallacy” and “The Affective Fallacy”. Identify Them

 (a) Cleanth Brooks
(b) Monroe C. Beardsley
(c) William K. Wimsalt Jr.

(d) R.P. Blackmur

Q. Which of the following New Critics put forward the idea of the ‘heresy of paraphrase’ ?

(1) Allen Tate
(2) Cleanth Brooks
(3) W.K. Wimsatt (4) Monroe
C Beardsley

Q. Identify the New Critic who served as the cultural attaché at the American Embassy in London from 1964 to 1966.

(1) John Crowe Ransom
(2) Cleanth Brooks
(3) Allen Tate
(4) Robert Penn Warren

In New Criticism, the key term ‘tension’ is associated with:

(1) Cleanth Brooks
(2) John Crow Ransom
(3) Austin Warren
(4) Allen Tate

Q.  Allen Tate once made a useful distinction between structure and texture. The distinction referred to
1. the main line of a narrative, argument, etc., and the rhetorical, stylistic, metaphorical and other devices respectively.
2. the devices employed to enlighten objects and materials in a narrative , and the objects and material themselves, respectively.
3. objects and materials on which a narrative casts light, and the devices employed to enlighten them respectively.
4. the rhetorical, stylistic, metaphorical and other devices, and the main line of a narrative,


Q In Practical Criticism I.A. Richards links four kinds of meanings in most human utterances to four aspects. These are

 (A) Sense, Feeling, Tone, Intention
(B) Sound, Feeling, Nuance,
(C) Sense, Voice, Emotion, Intention
(D) Sense, Image, Tone, Intention

Q. I.A. Richards’ Practical Criticism (1929) inaugurated a new phase in the history of English critical thought. What was this book’s subtitle?

(A) Studies in Poetry
(B) A Study in Literary Judgement
(C) Essays and Studies
(D) A Theoretical Guide

Q. Basic English, a simplified and fundamental framework of English, was formulated by

I. I.A. Richards
II. Alastair Fowler
III. William Empson
IV. C.K. Ogden

Q. C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards were reputed in the 1930s for introducing

(A) Practical Criticism
(B) New Criticism
(C) Standard English Project
(D) Basic English Project

The term ‘Practical Criticism’ is coined by

(A) William Empson
(B) W. K. Wimsatt, Jr.
(C) I.A. Richards
(D) F. R. Leavis

I-A. Richards’s famous experiment with poems and his Cambridge students is detailed in Practical Criticism : A Study of Literary Judgement (1929). Richards was astonished by

(A) the poor quality of his students’ “stock responses”
(B) the very astute remarks made by his students
(C) the non-availability of poems, worthy of class-room attention
(D) the success of his experiment

What is practical criticism?

(1) The close analysis of literary texts in such a way as to bring out their political meaning.
(2) A movement which wished to make literary criticism more relevant.
(3) The close analysis of poems without taking account of any external information.
(4) The study of ambiguity.