Q. The earliest tract on feminism is
(A) Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex
(B) Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own
(C) Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
(D) Mary Astell’s A Serious Proposal to the Ladies

Q. Which of the following feminist critics used the expression ‘Gynocriticism’ for the first time ?
(A) Kate Millet
(B) Simone de Beauvoir
(C)Elaine Showalter
(D) Mary Ellmann

Q. Who among the following feminist theorists posited a separate realm of female experience captured in a style of writing
different from men’s?
 A. Elaine Showalter
B. Luce Irigaray
C. Kate Millett
D. Simone de Beauvoir
E. Helene Cixous

Q. Who amongst the following belongs to the group of radical feminists ?
(A) Helene Cixous
(B) Monica Wittig
(C) Simone de Beauvoir
(D) Luce Irigaray

Q. The term “gynocriticism” was coined by :
(A) Betty Friedman
(B) Elaine Showalter
(C) Luce Irigarey
(D) Susan Sontag

Q. Identify the gynocritics in the following
list :

I. Alice Jardine
II. Elaine Showalter
III. Sandra Gilbert

IV. Kate Millett

Q. Identify the gynocritics in the following list
I. Alice Jardine
II. Elaine Showalter
III. Sandra Gilbert
IV. KateMillett

Q. Match the title with the author :
 (a) Sexual Politics
(b) A Literature of Their Own
(c) Thinking About Women
(d) The Laugh of the Medusa
(i) Mary Ellman
(ii) Elaine Showalter
(iii) Helene Cixous
(iv) Kate Millet

Ans- a-iv, b-ii,c-i,d-iii

Q. The author of Gender Trouble is
(A) Elaine Showalter
(B) Helene Cixous
(C) Michele Barrett
(D) Judith Butler

Q. Identify the gynocritics in the following list :
I. Alice Jardine
II. Elaine Showalter
III. Sandra Gilbert
 IV. Kate Millett

Which among the following is in the correct
chronological sequence ?

(A) Sexual Politics – Thinking About Women – The Second Sex – The Prisoner of Sex
(B) Thinking About Women – The Prisoner of Sex – Sexual Politics – The Second Sex
(C) The Second Sex – Thinking About Women – Sexual Politics – The Prisoner of Sex
(D) The Prisoner of Sex – The Second Sex – Sexual Politics – Thinking About Women

Q. Who, from among the following, has NOT
been discussed by Simon-de-Bevoir in “The Myth of Woman in Five Authors” in The
Second Sex ?

(A) Montherlant
(B) Lawrence
(C) Stendhal
(D) Kafka

Q. Match the books with the writers :

(a) The Madwoman in the Attic
(b) The Wretched of the Earth
(c) Shakespearean Negotiations
(d) Is There a Text in This Class?
(i) Frantz Fanon
(ii) Stephen Greenblatt
(iii) Stanley Fish
(iv) Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar

Ans (a)-(iv); (b)-(i); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii)

The “madwoman in the attic” is a specific reference to
(A) The narrator of “Goblin Market”
(B) Augusta Egg’s 1858 narrative painting
(C) The Heroine of The Yellow Wallpaper
(D) Bertha Mason of Jane Eyre

Q. Yet it is the masculine values that
prevail., observed a famous writer Speaking cruelly, she continued, football
and sport are important., the worship of fashion, the buying of clothes
trivial. Name the author and the text.

(1) Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the
Rights of Woman
(2) Audre Lorde Age, Race, Class
(3) Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own
(4) Jean Rhys, After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie

Q.Which two texts among the following are
linked to literary feminism?
A. A Small Place
B. The Yellow Wallpaper
 C. Emma  
D. A Room of One’s Own

Q. Which of the following does not describe
some of the practices/beliefs of feminist literary criticism?
(1) Feminist criticism recuperates female writers ignored by the canon.
(2) Feminist literary critics offer a criticism of the construction of gender.
(3) Feminist literary critics argue that the traditional canon is justified.
(4) Feminist literary critics mostly reject the essentialising of ‘male’ and ‘female’

Q. Which two of the following statements are
applicable to feminist criticism?

1. Recuperate the female writers ignored by the canon
2. Fully endorse the social construction of gender
3. Valorize the traditional canon uncritically
4. Mostly reject the essentialising of ‘male’ and ‘female’

Q. Two pioneering feminist tracts, Kate
Millet’s Sexual Politics and Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch were published

(A) 1969
(B) 1968
(C) 1970
(D) 1967

Q. “Womanist is to feminist as purple is to
lavender”. This is an important statement defining the womanist perspective
advanced by
(A) Toni Morrison
(B) Zora Neale Hurston
(C) Alice Walker
(D) Bell Hooks

Q. In a classic statement that inaugurated
Feminist thought in English, we read : “A woman writing thinks back through her mothers”. Where does this occur

(A) Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own

(B) Kate Millet’sSexual Politics
(C) Gertrude Stein’s Three Lives
(D) Mary Hiatt’s The Way Women Write

Q. Laura Mulvey’s pioneering essay, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” is an instance of the feminist appropriation of
psychoanalysis. It particularly uses
(A) Freud’s concept of sublimation
 (B) Jung’s concept of collective unconscious
(C) Lacan’s concept of the gaze
(D) Lacan’snotion of the fragmented body

Q. Two among the following critics have dealt with the reproduction of motherhood in feminist theory :
 I. Nancy Chodorow
II. Judith Fetterley
III. Catherine R. Stimpson
 IV. Carol Gilligan

Q.Which of the following is not a feminist
novel ?

(1)Ashapurna Debi’s Subarnalata
(2)Rajam Krishnan’s Lamp in the Whirlpool
(3)Chudamani Raghavan’s Yamini
(4)Bani Basu’s The Enemy Within

Q. Material feminism
studies inequality in terms of
(A) only gender
(B) only class
(C) both class and gender
(D) only

Q. Which among the following titles set a
course for academic literary feminism?

 (A) Nostromo 
(B) From Ritual to Romance
(C) A Room of One’s Own
(D) A Dance to the Music of Tm