Alexander Pope


The four Moral Essays of Alexander Pope are addressed to carefully selected figures. Identify

1. Timons, Newton, Martha Blount, Wellington

2. Lord Cobham, Robert Walpole, Houghton Hall, Chandos

3. Martha Blount, Lord Cobham, Bathurst, Burlington

4. William III, John Haydn, Joseph Addison, John Dennis

Answer: 3


Alexander Pope revised The Rape of the Lock three times. In the final revision of the poem in 1717 he inserted a speech by

(1) Belinda

(2) Clarissa

(3) Betty

(4) Thalestris

Answer: 2


What happens to the lock of hair at the end of Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock ?

(1) It is given back to its rightful owner.

(2) It is preserved in a monument.

(3) It turns into a star.

(4) It is presented to the poet as a token of gratitude.

Answer: 3


Who among the following translated Homer?

(1) Thomas Gray

(2) Samuel Johnson

(3) Oliver Goldsmith

(4) Alexander Pope

Answer: 4


Who does Alexander Pope refer to in the following lines ? “Born to no pride; inheriting no strife, Nor marrying discord in a noble wife, Stranger to civil and religious rage, The good man walked innoxious through his age.”

(A) Pope’s father

(B) Pope himself

(C) Dr. Arbuthnot

(D) The Duke of Marlborough

Answer: A


Who does Alexander Pope refer to in the following lines ? “Born to no pride; inheriting no strife, Nor marrying discord in a noble wife, Stranger to civil and religious rage, The good man walked innoxious through his age.”

(A) Pope’s father

(B) Pope himself

(C) Dr. Arbuthnot

(D) The Duke of Marlborough

Answer: A


Which of Alexander Pope’s poems begins with the line “Shut, shut the door, good John, fatigued I said” :

(A) “Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot”

(B) “Dunciad”

(C) “Epistles”

(D) “Rape of the Lock”

Answer: A


Alexander Pope’s An Essay in Criticism :

(a) Purports to define “wit” and “nature” as they apply to the literature of his age.

(b) Claims no originality in the thought that governs this work.

(c) is a prose essay that gives us such quotes as “A little learning is a dangerous thing !”

(d) Appeared in 1701.

(A) (c) and (d) are incorrect.

(B) (a) and (b) are incorrect.

(C) (a) to (d) are correct.

(D) only (a) and (d) are correct.

Answer: * (Marks given to all)


“Nature and Nature’s Laws lay hid in Night, God said Let Newton be! And all was Light.” Alexander Pope’s famous couplet impressively captures .

(1)Newton’s confirmation of the Genesis passage where God ordains Light

(2)Newton’s empirical observations of Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (3)Newton’s application of principles of motion to account for many natural phenomena

(4)Newton’s discovery that all colours are contained in white light

Answer: 4


Which of the following ancient critics does Alexander Pope commend as exemplary in Essay on Criticism?

(1) Aristotle, Quintilian, Dryden, Dionysius, Horace

(2) Aristotle, Longinus, Quintilian, Durfey, Dryden

(3) Aristotle, Horace, Dionysius, Quintilian, Longinus

(4) Aristotle, Horace, Durfey, Quintilian, Longinus

Answer: 3