Who among the following contemporaries of John Donne wrote
the following lines on his death : “Here lies a king, that ruled as he thought
fit/The universal monarch of wit”?
(1) George Herbert
(2) Henry King
(3) Thomas Carew
(4) Henry Crashaw
Answer: 3
Which of the following is an elegy on John Donne’s wife, who
died in 1617 ?
(1) “Death, be not proud”
(2) “Thou hast made me”
(3) “Holy Sonnet 17”
(4) “At the round earth’s
imagined corners”
Answer: 3
Who among the following poets compared human tears to
“love’s wine”?
(1) Ben Jonson
(2) John Donne
(3) Andrew Marvell
(4) John Suckling
Answer: 2
Identify the author of the following lines : Let
sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone, Let Maps to other, worlds on worlds
have shown Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one.
(A) Shakespeare
(B) George Herbert
(C) John Donne
(D) Henry Vaughan
Answer: C
The author of Of The Progress of the Soul is :
(A) John Bunyan
(B) John Donne
(C) Henry Vaughan
(D) Richard Crashaw